Warriors on the Rise on GOD's Enemies

Warriors Marie, why can't you get what the KING is doing with me??? HE is trying to train you to be a tough soldier in this time of COVID because COVID is not what it really is!!! It is an apocalyptic horse released from the Heavens to bring judgement on the earth, a reward for those who are obedient to the KING of Kings or punishment to those who are rebelling against HIM. Judgment is not entirely a bad thing if you have been pleasing to HIM, HIS judgment will be rewards, but to those who have been mocking HIM, HIS judgement would be very harsh. Warriors, you need to be filled with the HOLY SPIRIT!!! You need to be like Me because I can't do this alone do you understand the gravity of the situation here???? Listen I have good news amidst this COVID, we are in lockdown because GOD is locking everyone down to seek HIM, at this time, who do we turn to but HIM right? HE is locking us down so we hear HIM, receive HIM and be used by HIM. Don't you know that you can gain super powers if you fill yourself with HIM? NO COVID can harm you and you will be fearless even of death. KING YESHUA died for every soul but right now, many are going down to Hades because they have not lived a truthful and sincere life for HIM with reverend fear of HIM. This is the problem we lack reverence for a Great and Mighty KING because HE died for us lowly beings doesn't mean HE is a lowly being- HE is the supreme Being and HE wants to fill us overflowing with HIM!!! Because many are dying and it's okay if they die and then go to heaven but many are dying without HIM. So where are they going? Where else but where their demon takes them? This is exactly the devils plan. HIS time is short and he is bringing every little human he can grab hold of his hands for payback. So Warrior's we need to fight back!!! For the Kingdom of GOD suffers violence day in and day out and the Violent take it by force, but are you violent for the KING???

Warriors in order to be used by GOD in this difficult hour you need to sacrifice:
1) FEED on KING JESUS = The WORD became flesh John 1:14
2) OBEY everything written so you will have success
3) MEDITATE until you hear HIS Voice
4) WORSHIP thru Music, it will bring HIS presence down on YOU
5) Stay under HIS Presence by always thinking of HIM, praising HIM, praying to HIM
6) Initiation of a Warrior: Fast for at least 3 days so YOU hear Him clearly
7)  Fast for another 21 days for the sake of Sugbo and Pilippines.
Take me, Why am I not sleeping at night? Why AM I doing all these silly things??? Isn't it for the Glory of the KING and for everyone of us into the Land of Promise to us - the glorious Philippines, HE has a plan for us. We can enter into the Glorious Philippines but it's not gonna happen with you and Me just sleeping not watching, it will happen if you and me rise up and FIGHT!!! 

So COVID is the Rider on the Pale Horse, it's job is to collect demonic Spirits, but we have to know to minister before the human it's gotten it's hold of by asking them to repent by the words they profess and declare that JESUS is indeed their LORD and the KING . Many Souls have not satisfied the heart of GOD.

Amos 2
Amos 8New King James Version (NKJV) Vision of the Summer Fruit 8 ...
Joel 3:13 Put in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe.
Come, go down; For the winepress is full, The vats overflow—
For their wickedness is great.”



Matthew 13:24-30

Revelations 14:14-20


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