Runaway Heart

“The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is? - JEREMIAH 17:9

Image result for runaway heart

Proverbs 4:23 Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.


I never thought my heart could be so foolish and my mind too weak to control the foolishness of my heart. 
My heart was falling for the wrong person, but even with the knowledge that he was wrong for me, my heart was unbelievably stronger than my head, my will power or convictions. 
Nothing could stop the heart from accomplishing what it wants. It was the first time I had seen how desperately wicked my heart truly is. Once it falls, it falls, without any sound reason or judgement. My reasoning could not convince my heart otherwise. I was drowning and rushing to do what I knew truly to be wrong, unless the LORD saved me from my carnal human nature.

And Always He is ever Faithful, because he brought to me a Savior of another form, a Savior through a Spiritual Mentor whom I love like a father. Yeshua reigns in this father, and Yeshua in him refused to release me to the path that my heart was taking me. I was heading down to the path of destruction as if I was hypnotized, my head knew it, my heart didn't care, it just wants what it wants. And all of a sudden, because He listened to my Spirit and Mind's prayer, He snatched me from the fowler's snare.

Now my heart has come home to me, safely unharmed and untouched, how do I guard this heart of mine from ever wandering away, when I didn't know from the beginning that it had already left it's place in the Father's heart. My heart left me and my Father's hands, this runaway heart of mine, so reckless and wild, Father please keep it from being foolish running away in another time.


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