Day 17 Night of Fire - Days of Awe (Fasting Season of Tevet)

Image result for holy fire"
January 21 - Tuesday - 24 Tevet 5780 - Fasting Day 17
Sleep: 6 hours, 35 minutes

The Revelations of the Night:
Tonight, I went to Weslayan Church Mandaue to attend the Night of Fire - Prayer and Fasting Week and It never dissappointed. Earlier during the day, 8 Mighty Warriors had accomplished a very important activity in the Spiritual Gates of Cebu City, they were testifying of what had happened that Night. 2 of these servants of GOD whom I never met before felt the urge to pray for me right at that moment, because they saw 2 demons following me around and they saw that they were just trying to trap me waiting for me to fall for the trap. I am so thankful because they prayed for me and fought for me in the Spirit against these 2 demons trying to follow me around. I am so grateful because GOD has used them to help me overcome my challenges. All the more I undestood how much the body of Christ needed one another to build each other up in our life of Faith. No man is an island because man was build to have fellowship and not be alone. GOD already said it Himself in the very begining of creation: It is not good for man to be alone. It's not good, and HE is not just talking being a civil status of singleness or being married. In family, it's not good to be alone meaning to alienate yourself from your family. In our work, it's not wise to work alone because we all need help to get the work done. Most especially in our faith, it's not good to live a lone ranger Christian, there's no such thing! We always have a blind sight, we can't see in certain areas in our lives especially our backs because we don't have eyes at our back, but we do have our brothers and sisters who can watch over our backs and we can watch theirs so that we are able to overcome any hard thing or blind spot we may not know we are dealing with. Tonight, before I slept, GOD spoke to me that indeed I have been rescued from a trap. Psalm 124 is my reading for tonight and wow! GOD speaks yet again so powerfully with this psalm over what had happened earlier that night.


Psalm 124 New King James Version (NKJV)

The Lord the Defense of His People
A Song of Ascents. Of David.
1 “If it had not been the Lord who was on our side,”
Let Israel now say—
2 “If it had not been the Lord who was on our side,
When men rose up against us,
3 Then they would have swallowed us alive,
When their wrath was kindled against us;
4 Then the waters would have overwhelmed us,
The stream would have gone over our soul;
5 Then the swollen waters
Would have gone over our soul.”

6 Blessed be the Lord,
Who has not given us as prey to their teeth.
7 Our soul has escaped as a bird from the snare of the fowlers;
The snare is broken, and we have escaped.
8 Our help is in the name of the Lord,
Who made heaven and earth.

Details on the Night of Fire:

Pastor Gilbert - a strong servant of GOD who has the gift of discernment and seeing wanted so much to pray for me, because he saw the demons following me and when he said it, he seemed really angry that they are trying to harass me. His teeth were gittering with anger, like He wanted to eat those demons alive... And Brother Dante (with equally the same gifts in the Spirit) confirmed it because he saw clearly that it was a short male and female demon with horns like the goat and hair like human. How ugly is that? I actually saw them in my Spirit when they described it. I felt scared that they would want to come near me, they would want to watch me fall, waiting and praying for my downfall. So the Pastors asked me if I had noticed something strange the  past couple of weeks. I told them that everytime I started to fast, I always felt an evil presence come into my home to attack me or torment my sleep. So knowing this they began to pray for me and they fought for me against those demons I couldn't see and they prayed until their hearts were at rest. Pastora Maria confirmed everything and prayed powerful prayers that I have been waiting to hear ever since we were together. I told them I had a ex-boyfriend who practiced witchcraft and until now he is still trying to monitor me (send me emails which I ignore and delete: To read that Story please go to Chapter 4 - The Deceived Rebel). I also told them that I had noticed that no matter how good we are to people or treat them kindly they always have negative things to say about us. And Pastor Gilbert proded to ask me, "and how do you feel when you hear negative talk?" I said "I feel hurt". And he asked more, "What do you do when you are hurt?" I said, "I pray for the people hurting me until I am okay and no longer feel hurt." And he said "Okay, that's good." They saw the demons distance themselves away from me, "but even so, their eyes were still on me" says Brother Dante, I was threatened. So Pastora Maria prayed for more prayers, that a mother would for her threatened child (since I adopted her as a spiritual Mom) I truly felt loved as she prayed "We pray for the fire of GOD to burn the eyes of these demons who are still looking at Bat Yiska" (as she lovingly calls me). And she prayed more prayers of release and blessing, it was so powerful because I felt the fire of GOD's love! Even Pastora Ester asked me to surrender a certain bracelet I was wearing that distrubed her spirit. So I just took it off - easy, I want to rid myself of everything that was not of GOD. With whatever I took off, GOD also put on me a New Spirit and I felt refreshed and renewed once again. GOD is great! He has once again purified me, washed me, cleansed me with HIS blood and by the word of their testimony has therefore granted me Victory!

Days of Awe started with the first day of Fast that my spiritual family and I entered in on January 5, 2020 for 21 days. I had finished 15 days of Liquid Fast and have proceeded to Daniel's Vegetable fast for the second day now. We are in Day 17 of 21 days which ends on a Chinese New Year or the New Moon just in time for the begining of a New Month of Gladness. To read about the complete Days of Awe please go to Yiska's Story online.


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